Rojmel App Enterprise Personal

by TechFirst Technologies



Rojmel Application is a daily transaction book where business owner can maintain cash, bank, vendor...

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Rojmel Application is a daily transaction book where business owner can maintain cash, bank, vendor and clients transaction.Daily expenses also included in Rojmel. User can use for enterprise business or personal use.Premium features in app :1. Add user2. Payment Source3. Category4. Bank account5. Company partner6. Khatavahi7. Purchase 8. Rojmel9. Report10. Personal RojmelYou can also view opening balance and closing balance. Now what is opening balance and closing balance. Opening balance means it is yesterday’s closing balance. Closing balance means it is today’s closing amount.By default, today rojmel transactions visible to you. If you have to view selected date transactions so you can click on “Select Date”. You can add daily expense by click on “+Expense”. You can add daily expense with this parameter like,select category of expense,select source can be cash or bank, which date you have to expense this amount, enter amount, if any remarks related to this transaction so you can enter (it is optional). What is khatavahi? Khatavahi is a book where we can maintain transaction of customers.In this module you can handle your customer’s credits and debits. When you click on Khatavahi from drawer you have to shows list of customers you have added earlier. Also every customer has total credit and total debit, you can see in customer list.You can add new customer to click on “+ Add Customer”. Add customer with use of customer name, customer mobile number, customer email and customer address.Also every customer has total credit and total debit, you can see in customer list. If you can delete or edit customer hence you can click on “Edit” for modification of customer and “Delete” for delete customer.If you have to perform create invoice and add payment on customer than click on “View detail”. After click you show customer detail page. On customer detail you have to see transactions of current month(default). Every transaction has “more” options. Click on more you have to show three options like “Payment history”, Invoice items”, ”Delete this invoice”Payment history click on that, you will see history of payment.Invoice Items click on that, you will see invoice items you have enter when invoice created.Delete this invoice click on that, you can delete this invoice.“+Add Customer”, “Edit”, ”Delete”, “+ Create invoice” and “+ Add Payment” only performs whose user role is modify/edit.In customer detail page you can see that many options are there. * “Current Month” view transactions of current month* “Select Month” view transactions of selected month.* “+ Create Invoice” first select date than enter list of items. every Item has name, amount and tax. After enter items you can click on “Generate invoice”.* “+ Add Payment” generated invoices payment done with this module. Add payment with parameter like source of payment cash or bank, which invoice payment you pay now than select this, select date of invoice payment and last add how much amount pay to invoice. After filled all fields click on “Add Payment”. Personal Rojmel : This module is related your personal rojmel. You can add income and expense related to your personal.In bank detail page you can see that many options are there. * “Today” view transactions of today* “StartDate” and “EndDate” view transactions between start date and end date.* “+Income” you can add Income with this parameter like enter income amount, if any remarks related to this transaction so you can enter (it is optional).* “+ Expense” you can add Expense with this parameter enter expense amount, if any remarks related to this transaction so you can enter (it is optional).